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It's time to get what you want, with whom you want, and when you want it. Join HotMeetup today and meet singles like you who want to mix the experience of dating with the excitement of being single. HotMeetup is casual online dating done right.

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Whether you want to meet new people, make friends or date casually, HotMeetup is the online dating site for you. It's free, easy to join, and tons of fun!
Dating should be fun, not serious:
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Much of the pleasure of dating lies on the build-up. So search for your hookup match, the chat you don't want to end. A user-friendly interface and guaranteed matches on HotMeetup.

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HotMeetup is a chat service, aimed at exchanging chat messages. HotMeetup does NOT use AI bots or robots. HotMeetup contains fictional member profiles. No physical agreements can be made with fictitious member profiles. Our guarantees no obligations, no subscription and no spam! Pay only when you use our services: starting at $1.50 per message. Our terms of us and privacy policy apply to this website and the services provided by HotMeetup.